Restore your Masculine
shape and confidence

Average Stay
1 week
Duration of Hospital Stay
1 day
Duration of Operation
2-4 hours
Type of Anesthesia
General Anesthesia
Recovery Time
2 weeks
What is gynecomastia surgery?
Male breast reduction surgery, also called gynecomastia surgery, is an outpatient plastic surgery procedure that corrects the enlargement of benign male breast tissue.
The underlying causes of gynecomastia, a hormonal imbalance that causes excess breast tissue (commonly called "man boobs"), are puberty, and significant weight gain.
During this procedure, a surgeon removes excess breast tissue, fat, and skin, using a combination of surgical techniques and liposuction.
The procedure usually takes 1 to 2 hours, depending on the amount of excess fat and tissue that’s removed. Your pecs are then sculpted into a masculine contour that’s in proportion with the rest of your physique.
What happens during gynecomastia surgery?
The procedure takes one to three hours, depending on whether your treatment plan calls for just liposuction or a combination of liposuction and surgical excision (removing excess glandular tissue). If you have a condition called pseudo gynecomastia, with excess fatty tissue (as opposed to primarily glandular tissue) in the chest area—lipo alone may provide enough reduction, as long as your skin has good enough elasticity that it won’t sag. If you have true gynecomastia, you’ll likely need lipo paired with tissue (and possibly skin) removal.
Before the surgery, you’ll be given either general anesthesia, which puts you under for the entire procedure, or local anesthesia to numb your chest, combined with oral or IV sedatives (a combo known as twilight sedation).
Once the anesthesia takes effect, your surgeon will make a few small incisions. They may be under your arms, around your nipples, or to the side of your chest, depending on your anatomy and your surgeon’s technique.
If you need liposuction alone, your doctor will use a tool called a cannula (a thin tube) to remove the extra fat and lipo sculpt a more masculine-looking chest. Once that’s performed, the surgeon palpates and feels if there’s a gland. Often that unwanted gland is underneath the areola.
Traditionally, the surgeon makes an incision at the junction of the areola and the regular chest skin, to remove the gland. However, our doctor prefers a method that leaves smaller, more hidden scars. While in some more severe cases it may still be necessary to make these periareolar incisions, they can be very stigmatizing and a clear indication of having had surgery, so in most cases, a smaller (1cm) incision can be made away from the areola, towards the armpit, and the gland can be removed this way without creating the telltale scar on the areola.
Depending on the extent of your gynecomastia, your doctor may also need to reposition your nipple.
Once the extra breast tissue is removed, your surgeon will close the incisions with stitches and may place surgical drain tubes near the incision, to prevent fluid build-up as you heal. These should be removed 24 to 48 hours post-procedure. You’ll recover from the anesthesia before heading home. You’ll be groggy, so plan to have someone escort you home and stay with you for at least the first night of your recovery.
Will gynecomastia surgery make your nipples smaller?
Enlarged or puffy nipples and areola will often shrink during the healing process after the glandular tissue has been removed. However, they may still be larger than you’d like.
In this case, an areola reduction can be performed in addition to direct excision of breast tissue and liposuction. This requires an incision, and thus a scar, that encompasses the entire circumference of the areola.
Who makes a good candidate?
Patients should be evaluated as candidates for surgery after puberty. In adolescence, your body is still growing and your hormones are changing. Gynecomastia is prevalent in 50% to 60% of adolescent males, but the swelling can go away as you get older.
Up to 70% of men aged 50 to 69 have some level of gynecomastia.
Even adult men who feel self-conscious about this issue should hold off on gynecomastia surgery until they’re at a consistent weight, since gaining or losing weight can affect surgical results.
To get the best results and maximize safety, it’s recommended that you be at a body mass index (BMI) of between 19 and 25. However, doctors tend to agree that there is no ideal BMI for gynecomastia surgery, and patients with BMIs up to 30 are often treated.
What does gynecomastia surgery recovery involve?
You shouldn’t need much recovery time after gyno surgery. Most people take a few days to a week off work, to allow pain and swelling to fade. If your job requires strenuous activity or heavy lifting, you might need to take up to two weeks.
Your doctor will probably suggest holding off on exercise for a few weeks and asking you to avoid chest workouts for several weeks after your surgery.
The good news is that in the majority of patients, recovery is extremely quick and virtually painless. Patients who have a quiet, desk-type job can easily have their surgery done on Friday and return to work on Monday. They must, however, keep a ‘low profile’ and chill out for a week.
Your doctor may prescribe pain medication for the first three days after surgery, but most patients find that over-the-counter options are sufficient.
You’ll be given a compression garment to wear, which will help your tissue conform to its new shape as it heals.
The compression garment helps reduce swelling, and the longer it is worn, the more quickly you will heal. Doctors recommend wearing it for three to six weeks for the best results.
Your doctor may also ask you to massage the area one to two times daily to prevent the nipples from becoming tethered to the muscles below.
If your stitches are dissolvable, they’ll gradually disappear. Otherwise, you’ll return to your doctor’s office to have stitches and surgical drains removed at a follow-up visit about a week after surgery.
Once the incisions are healed, you can start using a scar treatment like a silicone scar gel. This can help keep the scar thin and flat while reducing the time it takes to fade. If your scars still bother you, other scar treatment options like lasers can help them fade further.
Avoid chest exercises until you’re fully healed. At that point, weight training can help enhance your results.